Welcome to our store! We are a group of individuals who are committed to promoting the values of freedom, equality, and justice for ALL. Our mission is to preserve our Democracy and promote a society where every individual has the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their race, sexuality, background or circumstances. The Republican right has lost it’s way and as Independents and Democrats we must speak louder in order to preserve this Democracy! We cannot vote once every few years and hope for the best anymore. It’s not enough. The Republican party, with it’s MAGA wing is drowning out the voice of the 70% of U.S. who want a society that is just, accepting of all and more importantly, safe for our children. Voting Republican is NOT bringing us the country we want and need and we must speak with more than just our voice and our vote. That is why we created the NVR line of products and why we hope to create a movement. With a focus on transparency and accountability, we aim to represent the interests of our fellow Americans and work towards building a better future for our country. We believe in the power of collective action and invite you to join us in our efforts to create a fair and just society for ALL. Never Vote Republican.

Our Message

The Republican party as it stands today no longer works for the American people. They elect as their leaders the equivalent of what we knew as kids as “Schoolyard Bullies.” Daily, with their actions and language they marginalize the already marginalized groups in our country: Women, African Americans and the “Black Lives Matter” movement, LGBTQ+ communities, immigrants, AAPI Americans. The list is getting longer. They support racist ideologies and embrace hate groups. They support the NRA and lobbies that keep weapons of war on our streets and in schools.

Our View

Guns are now the number one cause of death of children in America. Think about that. Is that the country we want to live in, feel proud of? Is that the image and example we want to present to the world? We can do better, and we can do better with elected leaders that are not from the Republican party. Until their fellow Republicans begin to admonish their colleagues and bring back some sanity to their party our message to America is, NVR “Never Vote Republican.” Independents and Democrats have to try and talk to our family, friends and neighbors about how the way they vote matters. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade to remove women’s rights over their own bodies. The Jan 6th attack on the Capitol was all in support of dangerously flawed Republican candidates who lie on a daily basis to all Americans through right wing media and their own voices. We must speak louder and doing so in a comfy shirt that will help spread the NVR message can’t hurt either. Thank You!